IoT Monitoring and Analytics
At ATI, we believe IoT starts with your things, where “your things” are what matters the most to your business. IoT is vast, diverse, and continuously changing. IoT data from billions of interactions between devices and people is massive and complex. Predefined programs aren’t up to the task of analyzing it, and traditional systems can’t make sense of all IoT data combined with unstructured data, like weather and social. The right IoT Monitoring and Analytics tool can make sense of all data types. It can choose its data sources and decide which patterns and relationships to pay attention to. It can use machine learning and advanced processing to organize the data and generate insights. This will enable your IoT to evolve and improve on its own through learned self-correction and adaptation.
The first challenge is understanding all the data you hold and introducing governance procedures to make it a valuable decision-making tool. With enormous challenges and opportunities, getting a grip on data is critical. ATI can help you find the best applications for your business to show you how data, analytics, and IoT can create opportunities.
Some of the tools in the ATI toolbox are IBM Watson, Microsoft IoT, and XMIoT Agile Application Suite for Industrial IoT. XMIoT Agile Application Suite for Industrial IoT is a robust platform that Provides real-time responsiveness to equipment issues, Helps move from reactive to predictive operations, and improves asset utilization. Enables system integration and application development in weeks. The XMPro Agile Application Suite includes a comprehensive development and deployment environment optimized for industrial IoT applications.
What does IoT technology mean for your business?
ATI can answer these top 3 questions – How do I incorporate IoT advancements into my current system? How do I make these changes without disrupting my business? How do I make sense of the data I collect? ATI is helping many companies convert to IoT (the Internet of Things). At ATI, we provide the Monitoring and Analytics it takes to create governance procedures that turn information/raw data into valuable decision-making tools. We would love to know what you’re working on and how we can help.
We bring our IoT integration proficiency and strategic alliances, including but not limited to IBM Watson, Microsoft IoT, and XMPRO XMIoT, to the table.
We have partnered with companies like IBM, XMPRO, Microsoft, and Amazon to provide a comprehensive development and deployment environment optimized for industrial IoT applications.
Global competition and price pressure have driven industries to improve their operational efficiency by finger-connecting the sensor with the Internet of Things (IoT) word and leveraging the massive amount of data available from equipment, sensors, and databases across the enterprise. Making sense of the data and reducing the latency between events and activities is challenging for most organizations. Complex long-term IT projects to address this need often come up short and have questionable ROI. At ATI, our passion is helping clients build more substantial businesses and maximize their competitive performance through innovative technologies and processes. We work with our clients to deploy IT resources with strategic business outcomes.
Our IoT Application Development Service portfolio includes
- Application Development – Helps you address evolving business and technology challenges by defining, designing, and building applications tailored to your business requirements.
- Application Maintenance – Maximizes your existing IT applications through our maintenance and enhancement support.
- Testing and Validation Services – Helps clients across industry verticals build Quality Assurance (QA) enterprise through a combination of transformation models, offerings to address the changing technology landscape, framework for package-testing-led business transformation, and new engagement models.
IoT Device Monitor Connects Smart Devices & Sensors to Event-based Business Processes.
Integration Case Studies
Vehicle Tracking System – One of the prominent applications of IoT is the Vehicle Tracking System. Our Vehicles Tracking Solution offers an efficient, effective vehicle tracking system for managing your business fleet. Vehicle Tracking Devices deliver real-time information such as – location, activity, and mobile inventory of your vehicles to improve business performance and customer service. You can track your vehicles, and vehicle tracking devices also provide valuable protection in the event of vehicle theft and recovery. Features include:
- Real-Time Vehicle Tracking
- Vehicle Immobilization
- Engine Off / On
- Door Open / Close
- Panic Alarm
- Geo-Fencing
- Online Vehicle Report
- Cost-Effective
Electrical Connection Service System – At ATI, we recently developed and helped launch GogoJuice, the world’s first and only web-based connection service system. Through continual web-based app development, we built GogoJuice as a rapidly changing way that power is connected and billed to the user. We make the web app natively, utilizing the best practices of IoT principles. The E-commerce (subscription) component is safe and secure via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. The app is very rigorously tested. With the desired fee, the system can be turned off and on for a long time, allowing locations to control their environments. GogoJuice supplies customers with a reliable and convenient experience, giving them peace of mind while eliminating “Low Battery Anxiety.”
XMPro IoT DeviceMonitor – We have partnered with XMPRO to provide a comprehensive development and deployment environment optimized for industrial IoT applications. Global competition and price pressure have driven industries to improve their operational efficiency by Finger connecting to a sensor with IoT word and leveraging the massive amount of data available from equipment, sensors, and databases across the enterprise. Making sense of the data and reducing the latency between events and activities is challenging for most organizations. Complex long-term IT projects to address this need often come up short and have questionable ROI. At ATI, our passion is helping clients build more substantial businesses and maximize their competitive performance through innovative technologies and processes. We work with our clients to deploy IT resources with strategic business outcomes—XMIoT Device Monitor Connect Smart Devices and Sensors to Event-based Business Processes.
Instrumentation & Measurement Software Development
(Data acquisition and control system)
We have been designing and building automation, data acquisition, custom control, and test systems for over fifteen years. ATI’s approach transforms complex tasks into real-world solutions from design to deployment. ATI specializes in developing HMI (Human Machine Interface) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software used in various industry verticals: medical, manufacturing, transportation, energy management, building automation, financial administration, and more.
IoT and Cloud Ecosystem Integrator
As businesses adopt the Cloud, they face several providers specializing in infrastructure, platforms, and applications. Bringing them together to suit business needs appears to be a daunting task. The lack of a single point of accountability, unclear SLAs, multiple pricing models, and contracts pose challenges for enterprises looking to get on the Cloud. Thus, adoption initiatives become time-consuming and challenging and do not deliver the right business value. Our ecosystem comprises best-in-class cloud partners addressing various aspects of your cloud adoption initiative. We at ATI are AWS Consulting Partners, and we will help you navigate each step of your cloud journey as your IoT data scales.
Our strategic relationships with leading Cloud providers help us deliver a trusted Cloud ecosystem to you.
IoT Integration Capabilities in the following Areas
- Industrial
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Transportation
- Manufacturing
- Smart Cities
- Telecommunication
- Utilities
- Consumer Electronics